About Us

Who we are

We are people like you, who had the privilege of being born and raised in developed countries, where it was normal to have a home, running water, heat, maybe a pool and always the refrigerator full with enough food to last us more than a week.


We are also people who care and who cannot remain blind and deaf to the unlucky ones, the women and children of poor Africa, the terrorism victims, the ones who almost lost hope as well as victims of terrorism, kidnaping and child trafficking.


We are also those children who cannot afford to go to school or lack the means to afford basic stationery and school uniforms. Learning under dilapidated infrastructure, difficult and unconducive learning environment.


We are a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization based in the US. We are looking at providing humanitarian services in the areas of Education, Healthcare and Environment, climate change and helping victims of terrorism, kidnapping, banditry, rape and child trafficking

Our story as an organization

Growing up, a neighbor of mine, Okon Amos, was a small time lumber, always in the forest. In the line of work he contacted tuberculosis and was left to die with nobody to help. I learned about his story one evening, while I was in a pub and one of his friends was talking about his illness and that nobody was there to help. I decided right there to inquire about his whereabouts from his friend. He gave me his address, which was about six hours drive away from me, into the forest of Zuru, Kebbi state of Nigeria. I chartered a vehicle and went to see him. He was almost dying and as thin as a broom. That was how I evacuated him to the hospital. When I got to the nearby hospital, it was highly dilapidated with no power, no ambulance, the hospital bed was turned and shabby, no basic medical supplies. Again we almost lost him, the doctors could not admit him because of the poor state of the facility. But he was referred to a specialist hospital in Lagos, Nigeria, about 18 hours drive away. That was when I chartered another vehicle because there was no ambulance and we journeyed for 18 hours to the hospital, at this point he was so weak, he went into a coma. Thankfully when we arrived he was revived and treated. For almost three months he was in the hospital recovering. I paid all the medical expenses. I saved a life. That singular act gave me all the fulfillment my heart was wishing for and I decided there are millions of people out there suffering the same fate that I should help.

So I turned my attention to the many who died without help. And the lack of well equipped healthcare facilities in Africa.


Today Mr. Okon Amos recovered fully from TB and I was able to give him a little grant money to start his small business and he is doing very well with 3 kids. This happened in 2012. Ever since, God has been using me to save lives in my own little way.


Since then, I gathered around me a group of supporters and volunteers who resonate with my mission and the drive that moves me forward to making a difference with our humanitarian services in Africa.

Together we are We Care Inc.


Our vision is to touch at least 10 million souls each year.


Our mission is to care for, educate and empower the women and children in Africa with long-lasting impact through Education, Healthcare, Environmental as well as Helping internally displaced people(IDP) and victims of terrorism in Africa through rehabilitation and empowerment programs.

Core Values

  • Transform lives
    We aim to transform the lives we touch by empowering change
  • Sustainability first
    We intervene in a responsible way looking towards the future
  • Participation
    We deliver on our mission by acting on our words
  • Accountability
    We treat every supporter with integrity, transparency and candor

All donations go directly to making a difference for our cause.