
Our programs target mainly Africa with Nigeria, Benin, The Gambia, Gabon, Kenya, Tanzania, Equatoria Guinea, Senegal, Cameroon, Malawi, Mozambique, Congo, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe and Botswana.


Our education interventions look into acting on the following areas:

  • Sponsoring exceptionally brilliant students on scholarship;
  • Providing essential learning materials to primary schools;
  • Creating computer laboratories;
  • Rehabilitation of dilapidated classrooms and schools in rural areas.

Programs in Education

We believe in catching them young and giving opportunity for young boys and girls who developed interest in coding and AI, but have no means, we sponsor these kids and help them develop their coding skills, through partnership with certified bootcamps and training centers. 

We believe every child has the right to receive a meaningful and quality education. They should have the opportunity to complete their education and reach as high as possible. Sadly many pupils in Africa are dropping out of school because of financial constraints but also because of poor life and schooling conditions. We act on providing that all children are able to complete their studies by providing sponsorships that cover fees, scholastic materials, food and uniforms.

Support our efforts with a donation!

We deliver essential learning materials to all of our project areas to ensure that all children have the necessary resources to follow and complete their studies. This includes from school supplies like pencils, pens, notebooks, and backpacks to school uniforms, sports equipment and technological resources.

Donate for learning materials!

Nowadays, technology is no longer a luxury but a necessity to modern living, we strive to bring technology to children in the areas we serve by creating and equipping computer laboratories. Also we look into bringing volunteers to facilitate teaching them how to use this technology and go beyond basic knowledge.

We are also looking into using these laboratories to teach afternoon programs for women to develop and advance in their professional lives, thus improving their and their families’ living conditions.

It is well known that in rural areas schools are rarely proper facilities for fostering education and facilitating child development. With our efforts and your support, we are looking into renovating and improving schools and classrooms to a decent setting in terms of sanitary and safety conditions in order to bring children closer to learning and future development for their society.


  • Equipping rural hospitals and primary health centers in hamlets and villages with medical equipment and supplies;
  • Building health centers to cater for underserved communities;
  • Sponsoring Doctors without Borders to visit community centers to perform free minor surgery from time to time;
  • Fighting tuberculosis, malaria and other life threatening ailments.

Programs in Healthcare

Primary health centers and small hospitals are almost all the time improvised facilities lacking basic equipment or personnel to serve their communities. Our program aims to bring the necessary equipment, tools and other basic supplies for these facilities to run in good conditions.

One of the most ambitious programs we undertake is building health centers in rural areas of  Africa to help communities where minimal health and care services are lacking.

We are looking to partner with people with organizations that can offer on hands expertise, time and knowledge and also the necessary resources to raise the necessary amenities.

While we cannot always bring the right doctors to every healthcare location we support, we can sponsor Doctors without Borders to join our facilities and perform minor surgery when needed. Help us bring the right doctors to care for every need of our children and women in our locations in Africa.

Although the modern world has successfully treated and kept under control illnesses like tuberculosis and malaria, in many African countries these maladies still take a lot of lives and bring a lot of pain. Our efforts go into alleviating the sickness and bringing cure to all the health centers we serve.


Without proper care and a responsible approach towards the environment, our efforts would have no echo in time, that is why we look into acting in the following areas as well:

  • Water filtration equipment to bring clean water to the schools and healthcare facilities we serve;
  • Provision of portable water supply(Borehole) as a result of Water pollution from the activities of oil spillage in oil producing communities.
  • Solar panels for reliable electricity for the schools and hospitals we support;
  • Training on sustainable living for children and youth population.

Programs in Environmental area

We support installing sustainable water technologies within the schools we serve where clean water is inaccessible. By bringing water filtration technologies we can ensure that all pupils and staff have access to clean drinking water, thus preserving health and creating the necessary conditions to build education.

Electricity is oftentimes as scarce as drinking water and we cannot implement our projects of technology in schools or hospitals if basic electricity is missing. Making electricity a reliable resource in our project areas is a step we need to tackle. By providing solar power technology to the facilities we rehabilitate and equip, we offer uninterrupted electricity to schools and health centers in Africa.

While our impact is always limited to the resources and efforts we make, we focus on training people how to fish, rather than always providing them with the fish. When building the health centers, schools and libraries we always focus on training the people to use and further develop their resources, to preserve what they get and to use in a sustainable manner the resources they have.

Besides the three directions our organization acts on: Healthcare, Education, and Environment, we have a special intervention focus on a specific matter our hearts want to comfort, and that is the Rehabilitation of victims of Boko Haram in Nigeria.


We develop programs of reintegration through vocational training and Skills acquisition Program. We include artisanal activities like soap-making and other small production activities and also small-scale trading.


We also offer post-training support such as start-up micro-credits or loans.


We are aware that forgetting their experiences with Boko Haram and other related terror activities can be difficult, so we also include post-traumatic help services to help them cope with these traumatic experiences.

Programs for Rehabilitation of victims of Boko Haram

While going back to a so-called normal life takes time and sustained effort, we include vocational program training to offer our beneficiaries life supporting alternatives. We invest in artisanal job training like soap-making, knitting and other small production activities and also small-scale trading. Our philosophy is to equip women with skills they will be able to use in the job market or in the entrepreneurial field of small businesses.

After developing new skills and acquiring experience in their new field of work, we offer post-training support such as start-up micro-credits or loans. This way, women feel empowered to take proper care for themselves and their children so they feel better integrated in society and forget, as much as possible of their trauma.

None of the efforts described above can happen without first supporting these women to cope with the traumatic experiences they faced. We provide post-traumatic help services through our volunteering programs in this area to help ease their burden and make reintegration smoothly and with long term results.

All donations go directly to making a difference for our cause.

Project 1million Souls

Targeting to raise funds to impact 1 million souls annually, this is the permanent program we run in all countries where we have ongoing projects.


Ongoing Back to School Campaign

Public schools in Africa require students to purchase uniforms, books, writing tools and other supplies that we care for on a regular basis


“Buy one, Give one” program

Where donors get to choose to add to their sports equipment purchase another equipment to be sent to our children community in Africa


School Classroom Renovation

Primary schools in rural areas are most of the time in no condition to be used for education purposes, thus renovation of classrooms, toiles and libraries is our main priority.